Riservati Pictures is a brave and bold production company founded by film director, actor and screenwriter Mr. Valents
We have a special focus on dark comedies, action comedies, horror and sci-fi movies; with an extra eye towards clever dialogue, fast pacing, long takes, whip pan cuts and above all great acting performances.
Our mission started back in May 2017, with a simple idea in mind: make a film with no budget! The same month we filmed our first production: the comedy web series "The Fridge: An Ugly WebSeries", about two flatmates sharing their everyday life in front of a fridge. A similar style to the French and Italian sitcom "Camera Café".
From there we moved on in 2018 with the micro-short "B-Love", surprising one minute queer movie about an unfaithful love story. In 2019 we created another successful instagram web series with only one character called "Unnecessary Posts", and reached over 30K followers on its official Instagram page.
In October 2019 we finally released our first mid-short movie about a guy with split personality kidnapping himself in his own house, the quirky comedy "I Really Need To See A Good Doctor". Just two months later we filmed and successfully released "A Movie Without An Ending", absurd comedy about two actors wannabe trying to conquer the social media with an unusual genre performance.
2020 and 2021 saw the release of our two most successful movies so far: "An Insta(nt) Story", a comedy short about an unlikely love story started and ended on the social media; and "The Social Doctor", an unreal dark comedy about a group of wannabe influencers meeting a social media guru, specialised in prescribing remedies to become an internet star.
In June 2021 we released our first horror movie, a one-take movie called "2:15", and we are now in post-production with our longest short to date "Ask Me A Question", which will be released in March 2022.
We believe that movies are the bread we need to survive in this difficult planet; the joy that keeps us alive after a failure; the gas that keeps our engine working, even when everything seems lost.
Thank you for taking the time to learn our little (for now) story. Enjoy our movies!

You can make a bad movie with a great script, but you'll never be able to make a great movie with a bad script.
Riservati Pictures focuses all its productions on bold, dark and very uncommon stories. Our Founder Matteo Valentini believes that movies should be movies: we are not shooting documentaries, hence, we are not trying to educate or send a message with our stories.
We just want to entertain people, giving to our audience the best possible trip in the marvellous fantasy world commonly known as cinema, forgetting for a couple of hours about the 'real world.'

Once the idea is put onto paper, that idea magically starts taking life. What it was days, weeks, months or even years of planning and dreaming now starts to become reality.
Using the best camera and sound kits, the brilliant cast & crew at our disposal, following the lead of our director and founder Mr. Valents, the team manages to create a new world, that was just letters on paper until not long ago.

After the shoot is over, all those beautiful, poetic and stunning shots need to be put together.
The shots are just pieces of a puzzle that has to be carefully completed and then enhanced with music, sound design, colour grading, filters, and all the so called 'fix it in post' phase.
Riservati Pictures loves this phase of movie making, because this is when your little worm becomes a marvellous butterfly.

After the long and hard work of our amazing cast & crew; sleepless nights and tears of joy; the movie is finally ready!
Our movies got screened in countless film festivals around the world, and got distributed on streaming platforms such as Paus.tv, IndieFlix and PrimeVideo.
Because at the end of the day, movies are meant to be seen, and we love to have our movies seen by as many people as possible - critics, people within the industry, general audience, we love them all!